Pregnant Pro-Dommes Crush the Madonna/Whore Complex
I had forgotten to share this article back in June when it was published!
Though I am no longer pregnant, I still want to share this article that I was interviewed in because it shares so many
of My integral beliefs about women in the adult business, and women in general.
“I am so sick of … men only glorifying one aspect of womanhood, aka whatever they masturbate to, and seeing the other parts of womanhood as taboo. If you worship woman, worship woman as a whole — in every embodiment….”
Empress Ming sees nothing unusual in continuing to work as a pro-domme throughout the course of her pregnancy.
“Life is created by having sex. You can’t compartmentalize the two.”
In Empress Ming’s opinion, a woman is still fully capable of domming her submissives when she’s pregnant.
“Pregnancy is Woman in her full power and full form, bringing life to another human.”